Caiwen Ding

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Assistant Professor
School of Computing
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269

Phone: (860) 486-0006
Email: caiwen dot ding at uconn dot edu
Address: 371 Fairfield Way Unit 4155 Room 361, Storrs, CT 06269-2155

Caiwen Ding is an assistant professor in the School of Computing at the University of Connecticut. He received his Ph.D. degree from Northeastern University (NEU), Boston in 2019, supervised by Prof. Yanzhi Wang. His interests include Algorithm-system co-design of machine learning/artificial intelligence; computer architecture and heterogeneous computing (FPGAs/GPUs); privacy-preserving machine learning; machine learning for electronic design automation (EDA); neuromorphic computing; computer vision and natural language processing.

His work has been frequently published in high-impact conferences (e.g., DAC, ICCAD, ASPLOS, ISCA, MICRO, HPCA, CCS, Oakland, SC, FPGA, MLSys, NeurIPS, ICML, CVPR, AAAI, ACL, EMNLP, IJCAI, ICRA, DATE). He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, Amazon Research Award, and CISCO Research Award. He received the Best Paper Award at the 2023 AAAI DCAA workshop, Outstanding student paper award at 2023 HPEC, Best Paper Award Nomination at DATE 2018 and DATE 2021, and publicity paper at DAC 2022. His team won first place in accuracy and fourth place overall at the 2022 ACM/IEEE TinyML Design Contest at ICCAD. He was ranked among the Stanford’s World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2023. He received two UConn Research Excellence Awards in 2021 and 2023, respectively, and the 2021 Excellent in Teaching Award from UConn Provost.

Google Scholar DBLP Semantic Scholar


[To Prospective Ph.D. Applications] I am always looking for highly-motivated Ph.D. students who have strong interests in FPGAs/GPUs programming (preferred), or machine learning/deep learning, with full financial support. You are welcome to drop me an email at (receiving too many emails from my uconn email address) with your materials such as CV and transcripts and mention my name in your application.

Recent News

  • 06/2024 One paper is accepted to 2024 ECCV.
  • 06/2024 One paper is accepted to 2024 ICCAD.
  • 05/2024 We have a fruitful School of Computing Annual PhD Fellowship achievement this year.  Kiran receives Predoctoral Honorable Mention; Jiahui receives Predoctoral Fellowship; Hongwu receives Predoctoral Prize for Research Excellence; Shaoyi receives Marion and Frederick Buckman Engineering Fellowship; Shanglin receives Predoctoral Fellowship; Amit receives Professor Reda Ammar Fellowship. Congrats to everyone!
  • 05/2024 Hongwu starts summer internship at Adobe Research. Congrats!
  • 05/2024 Shanglin starts summer internship at Instacart. Congrats!
  • 05/2024 Shaoyi is selected as one of the 2024 ML and Systems Rising Stars. Congrats!
  • 05/2024 Shaoyi will join as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology in Fall 2024. Congrats!
  • 04/2024 Honored to receive a Research Grant from Connecticut Cooperative Transportation Research Program (CCTRP).
  • 04/2024 Invited to serve as ComSys track co-chair for 2024 ICCD.
  • 04/2024 Invited to serve on the external review committee for 2024 MICRO.
  • 04/2024 One paper is accepted by 2024 ICS.
  • 03/2024 Invited to serve as a reviewer at ECCV 2024, ACL 2024, IJCAI 2024.
  • 03/2024 Honored to receive an Amazon Research Award.
  • 03/2024 One paper is accepted by 2024 ICPE.
  • 02/2024 Our workshop proposal “DCgAA 2024: International Workshop on DL-Hardware Co-Design for Generative AI Acceleration” is accepted to DAC 2024.
  • 02/2024 Honored to receive the NSF CAREER Award.
  • 02/2024 Honored to receive a CISCO Research Award.
  • 12/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from the DOE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as PI.
  • 12/2023 Honored to receive a Research Grant from the DOT NEUTC program as PI.
  • 11/2023 One paper is accepted by 2024 DATE.
  • 11/2023 One paper is accepted by 2024 ASPLOS. [Codes]
  • 11/2023 One paper is accepted by 2024 IEEE CAL.
  • 11/2023 One paper is accepted by IEEE I-ITS.
  • 10/2023 One paper is accepted by 2024 HPCA.
  • 9/2023 One paper is accepted by 2023 NeurIPS.
  • More News

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